07 February 2016

How to open Hotmail Email, Outlook Email, Explain with pictures

Hello dear visitors to our site - FoxGuide

Today I present to you explain the registration in the Hotmail site and get email
Hotmail is one of the strongest e-mail sites, whether in appearance and speed and force protection, and is a follow Microsoft's means open an e-mail without fear All information safely and confidence

Now we begin to explain the registration Attention Please step by step

1- go to this link : https://login.live.com/
2- Press to "Sign up now" Follow the bellow picture

when you press Sign up button, this page will appear to you :

Now let's fill the fields :

1- write your first name .
2- write you last name .
3- choose a hotmail username for your email ( make sure the username is available )
4- choose a password from minimum 8 character ( Letters and Numbers, Letters must big and small)
5- repeat your password
6- choose your country
7- write your real birthday ( you need birthday when you want recover your email )

8- choose your Gender .
9-10- choose you code country and write your correct phone mobile ( because you need to confirm )
11- write another email ( you need it for recover, if you don't have write the email of your friend)
12- retype the captcha .
13-  press " Creat Account " and congratulations you have an hotmail now ( after this step you need only to confirm mobile phone than access to your email )

any problem please contact us we will give help
don't forget to let a comment for Thanks
Have fun

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