07 March 2016

How to block bad websites in Ubuntu and Mint linux

Hello guys, many people ask how to ban or block bad websites (domains) , if you use Mint or Ubuntu linux and there are other users use your PC, especially children. we will give you a solution to block any website or domain you want with an easy way, You don't need to install or use Applications but you only need to make a simple entry in the / etc / hosts.

how, to, block, bad, website, ubuntu, mint, linux, domain, domains, websites, sites, children, pc, solution, app, blocker, wikihard,
How to block domain in ubuntu and mint linux @wikihard

/etc/hosts is a very important file to control websites, also to do other things ( I'm talking about DNS ) but in this article we talk only about how to ban some sites.

 1. How to block and ban domains in Ubuntu linux :

First you need to open the file "/etc/hosts/" by typing the this command on the terminal :

gedit /etc/hosts 

after that add the following line: domain.com

here make sure to change the value of "domain.com" and put the domain that you want to block it.

how, to, block, bad, website, ubuntu, mint, linux, domain, domains, websites, sites, children, pc, solution, app, blocker, wikihard,
how to block domain in ubuntu linux @wikihard

Now it done, if you try to open this domain, this message will display " Failed to Connect " .

 2. How to block and ban domains in Mint linux :

to block domain name in Mint linux, just follow this steps : 

Menu -> Adminstration -> Domain Blocker
Add your domain and Press Block 

This picture will explain everything :

how, to, block, bad, website, ubuntu, mint, linux, domain, domains, websites, sites, children, pc, solution, app, blocker, wikihard,
How to ban domain or website in mint linux @wikihard


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