24 April 2017

20 principles for success, that the school didn't teach you

 No matter what we do in order to live, whatever age we have, no matter where we grew up, we all share this thing in common. The desire to have success and succeed in life. The success should be defined by yourself, against your goals and who you want to become.

20,principles,for,success,that,school, didnt,teach,you
principles and bases for success, that the school didn't teach you

20 principles for success, that the school didn't teach you.

1. the only thing over which you have control, it's your perspective. No matter what happens, you have control of the meaning give you to events and things. Then what you do with the meaning you give to causes leads you to the circumstances.

2 more afraid of regret than failures. you will probably regret it at the end of your that you have not dared to do by fear of failure.

3. failure is only a part of your journey to success. There is no history on the success that have never experienced failure. The reason why you hear these stories as being success stories, it is because these people who succeed have view failure as a tool allowing them to achieve success.

4. it is not what you want to do for a living, it's who you want to become. What is the purpose of your life, what path do you want left in life? Do not ask the question: is - they want to do in 10 years?, ask instead: who do you want to be in 10 years? What route do you want to leave in this world? How do you have to remember you? From there only you can ask you're going to do to make that happen.

5. stay focused on your goal on your project, on your way, on your own race. When you're too busy watching the people around you and behind you, beyond your control. However, in life each runs his own race.

6. the real leadership comes a good energy and creativity. You care more about your energy and the firmness of your handshake.

7. There is a lesson for everyone that happens to us. There is wisdom to win and to give gratitude. Start with gratitude and all the rest to reveal himself.

8. as long as you don't exceed your psychological blockages, exterior blocks remain firmly in place. We sometimes spend too much time to focus on all the external obstacles, and its external obstacles we make excuses that prevent us from moving forward. But more you will be conscious and clear about your inner blockades, more you outside blocks will begin to dissolve.

9. people who have the most success are those who work primarily on themselves.

10. don't judge, be inspired. If you are too busy trying to judge everyone and everything that lies around you, then you become closed to let inspiration come to you, everyone, and all what is around you.

11. you are not allowed to complain about something, unless you do something to change this thing.

12. surround yourself with people that you feel, admire and who want to look like.

13 learn to be comfortable with the fact of not being comfortable. More you face your fears, the more you will grow. Your fears are not enemies, they are your allies.

14 ask yourself always, "and if?, ' why not? '" Rather than ask, 'And if I fail?' ask, ' and if I succeed?

15. creativity is your unlimited capital. Understand and leverage the power of creativity.

16. "I have a good day" If you start your day with this mindset, even if challenges appear, your positive State of mind will help you to exceed in being ready.

17. create your own traces of steps behind you. You don't need to walk in the footsteps of those gone before you to have success.

18. press "the mental reset button" when your think on negative thoughts, imagine a button 'clear' in your mind, tap it and start to write a better story.

19. the abundance is everywhere. You want to see and believe it to experience it fully.

20. life will give you the same challenges, the same problems until you learn your lesson. Because everything happens for a reason, and it is up to you to find out.

What do you think of these principles on the success? Do you have the principles to add? Leave a comment.

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