25 April 2017

The 7 key steps to launch an application

The 7 key steps to launch an application

Launch an application requires a business plan. Here's how to build.

Marketing agency California Bixa Media published a graphic Recalling the steps from the idea of an application as a real presence on an app store.

keys and steps to lunch an applications

"When the Apple App Store was launched in July 2008, there were 800 applications. Today, there are more than 1 million applications in the Google Play Store, and 1.2 million in the App Store"reminds the Agency in the introduction. And the market has since strongly professionalized. To succeed, the agency records 7 inevitable points in your application project, which is similar to a business plan:

First step: develop his idea

Make sure that your idea is unique and has not already been taken elsewhere.
She must answer or a solution to a problem, or, as appropriate, entertain;
To approve your idea and your project by a specialist.

Second step: develop a monetization plan

Developers earn on average $ 4,000 income by application on the App Store against 1 125 dollars on the Google Store;
Choose a form of monetization among the different existing solutions: invoice each download, free download, then payments in the application...

Third step: developing a marketing plan

Promote the buzz social network to publicize your app.
Develop a Web site showcase to highlight it;
Create a blog around your application to create the news around it.

Step 4: build his team

Think of a developer, a designer, a marketer...
Register to have a "Developer" account at Apple (99 dollars a year) or Google ($ 25 registration)

Fifth step: sketch what will look like your application

What will the Visual on the screen look like?
What type of ownership?
What sizes and shapes will have different elements (buttons, icons...)?

Step 6: test the application

Objective: avoid to be refused on the app store.

Seventh step: start - your application

Watch the number of downloads, reviews...
Already start working on the following versions and updates.

10 Steps To Learn Any Language in 6 Months

Even if the languages are not your strong suit, it is possible (with patience, zeal, and a dose of humor) to speak a foreign language fluently in six months or less.

Although English is my mother tongue, I learned mandarin and Cantonese when I was a kid, I learned the french at school, and I know Spanish since my recent trip to South America. Over the years, I have discovered a few things that are useful to learn a foreign language quickly.
1 immersion

improve,help,learn,german,english,french,languages, learn
How to learn any language you want @wikihart

It is almost impossible to learn a new language, or at least to learn it quickly, if you don't think in that language. But how to think in a language we do not speak?

Simply immerse yourself in this community. Traveling to a foreign country allows you to hear the sounds, rhythm and intonation of the language you wish to learn, in the street, on the bus, on TV, etc. Your brain then began to assimilate and interpret the new language.

A more efficient method of travel is to force himself to 'function' in this new language, participating in a volunteer program, or by working abroad. Be in total immersion with the inhabitants of the country (living in a foster home for example) and avoid dating people who speak your language is the key to your success.

Immerse yourself in the daily life of Aboriginal people: discover their music, their media, their political news, their sports, their families, etc. Are you attracting the good graces of the community which speaks this language, and you have already done half the way!
2 forget the literal translation and think like a child!

How do children learn to speak a language? By imitating, by repeating the sounds they hear, and above all, by experiencing no shyness or discomfort.

No matter if your pronunciation is not perfect, or if you don't remember the good conjugation of a verb: try to express yourself, even if it looks like to gibberish. Resist the temptation to translate everything in your native language and you can then make giant steps in your learning.

Instead of reciting the server a learned by heart formula or to include in your host family a sentence made to express what you want to eat, listen to the inhabitants of the country order their dishes, and imitate them by doing the best you can. This technique also works when it comes to greet, or having a short conversation with Aboriginal people. Look at their facial expressions when they speak, pay attention to the way they move their lips.

Imitate those facial expressions and sounds just as would a child. You can understand what is said or not, you will begin to use these sounds, these phrases, these words in appropriate situations; they will come out of your mouth as if by magic. It is in this way that we started thinking in a foreign language.
3. How do you say?

In addition to expressions of greetings, it is always smart to remember the questions "How do you say? What is this called? "in the language you want to learn.

A curious traveler who always questions made friends among the inhabitants of the country. You will see that they will quickly be open to you, giving you the opportunity to engage in conversation more easily. These daily interactions with the locals are a major asset in your learning. Set a daily goal, decide to engage a number of conversations with Aboriginal people and talk to them about things that interest you but you do not know the vocabulary. Even if you can't finish your conversations, you are on the right track.
4. write

After your conversations, write what you remember hearing, but that you do not understand (this can also help if you have a travel blog).

When you have a moment, re-read what you have written and use your dictionary. Look for the words, try to reconstruct the conversation in your head. The next time you talk to a resident of the country where you're traveling, use new learned words.

When I was learning the french and Spanish, I made grammar sheets where I wrote the verbs to learn their conjugation. In addition to helping me focus, these cards were of very good reference guides.
5. use words related and make links

Have you ever noticed that some words are exactly the same in several languages? The so-called related words. Once you have discovered them, you can add hundreds of words to your vocabulary. For example, most words that end in "ion" in Latin languages, are the same in English.

Source : Duolingo

24 April 2017

20 principles for success, that the school didn't teach you

 No matter what we do in order to live, whatever age we have, no matter where we grew up, we all share this thing in common. The desire to have success and succeed in life. The success should be defined by yourself, against your goals and who you want to become.

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principles and bases for success, that the school didn't teach you

20 principles for success, that the school didn't teach you.

1. the only thing over which you have control, it's your perspective. No matter what happens, you have control of the meaning give you to events and things. Then what you do with the meaning you give to causes leads you to the circumstances.

2 more afraid of regret than failures. you will probably regret it at the end of your that you have not dared to do by fear of failure.

3. failure is only a part of your journey to success. There is no history on the success that have never experienced failure. The reason why you hear these stories as being success stories, it is because these people who succeed have view failure as a tool allowing them to achieve success.

4. it is not what you want to do for a living, it's who you want to become. What is the purpose of your life, what path do you want left in life? Do not ask the question: is - they want to do in 10 years?, ask instead: who do you want to be in 10 years? What route do you want to leave in this world? How do you have to remember you? From there only you can ask you're going to do to make that happen.

5. stay focused on your goal on your project, on your way, on your own race. When you're too busy watching the people around you and behind you, beyond your control. However, in life each runs his own race.

6. the real leadership comes a good energy and creativity. You care more about your energy and the firmness of your handshake.

7. There is a lesson for everyone that happens to us. There is wisdom to win and to give gratitude. Start with gratitude and all the rest to reveal himself.

8. as long as you don't exceed your psychological blockages, exterior blocks remain firmly in place. We sometimes spend too much time to focus on all the external obstacles, and its external obstacles we make excuses that prevent us from moving forward. But more you will be conscious and clear about your inner blockades, more you outside blocks will begin to dissolve.

9. people who have the most success are those who work primarily on themselves.

10. don't judge, be inspired. If you are too busy trying to judge everyone and everything that lies around you, then you become closed to let inspiration come to you, everyone, and all what is around you.

11. you are not allowed to complain about something, unless you do something to change this thing.

12. surround yourself with people that you feel, admire and who want to look like.

13 learn to be comfortable with the fact of not being comfortable. More you face your fears, the more you will grow. Your fears are not enemies, they are your allies.

14 ask yourself always, "and if?, ' why not? '" Rather than ask, 'And if I fail?' ask, ' and if I succeed?

15. creativity is your unlimited capital. Understand and leverage the power of creativity.

16. "I have a good day" If you start your day with this mindset, even if challenges appear, your positive State of mind will help you to exceed in being ready.

17. create your own traces of steps behind you. You don't need to walk in the footsteps of those gone before you to have success.

18. press "the mental reset button" when your think on negative thoughts, imagine a button 'clear' in your mind, tap it and start to write a better story.

19. the abundance is everywhere. You want to see and believe it to experience it fully.

20. life will give you the same challenges, the same problems until you learn your lesson. Because everything happens for a reason, and it is up to you to find out.

What do you think of these principles on the success? Do you have the principles to add? Leave a comment.

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21 April 2017

How to see the good side of life

Do not you think it would be a good idea to make the decision to always see the good side of everything that happens to you rather than seeing the negative side or making negative projections which for the most part 'Almost never arrive?

How to see the good side of life

how, to , live , happy, health, life , love
Wake Up and live

Is it difficult for you to see the good side quickly? Do you think that this is possible only when the events are not too difficult, or even painful?

Here are several examples of people who have seen the positive side first:

"He who crosses the street and passes a hair to be struck by a car that has turned the corner at full speed and who says:" Thank you God for having the presence of mind to move fast enough to have Life saves! "Instead of saying," What a bad day! " I almost got killed by a madman who does not know how to drive! "

"He who has had a heart attack and says," Thanks to my heart for having flinched, because with this warning I have learned to enjoy life rather than take everything too seriously. "; Instead of saying, "What a misfortune! Now that I have had a heart attack, I will not be able to do anything, I will always have to be careful because my heart is not strong enough to make a normal life. "

- She whose husband left her for a younger woman and who is finally grateful to her because, thanks to this experience, she realized her many talents and abilities, which she had never realized Formerly because of his great dependence on his spouse; Instead of accusing her husband of betraying her, of blaming men and constantly complaining.

- He who has just been dismissed and realizes very quickly that this work no longer presents challenges for him and that he was ready to face a new work experience but that he would never have Dared to make the decision himself; Instead of feeling sorry for himself, to lose confidence in him and to believe that he can find nothing else.

happiness, side, of , life, be happy
how to see the good side of life

So how do we get to this new habit of seeing the good side as quickly as possible?

To begin with, know that it is normal and human to have difficulty doing it spontaneously, especially when we arrive at an unpleasant incident quite unexpected. With practice, you will see that it will be possible for you to get there more and more quickly.

The only way to do this is to change our inner attitude, that is, to know deep down that, whatever happens in life, there is never chance and everything is managed By a superior Intelligence which we call GOD. Indeed, all that we draw to us in life always has great utility for us. All the events, all the people and the attitude of all these people in front of us occur to draw our attention to a need of our being that it would be impossible for us to recognize otherwise.

When we are much more aware of our deep needs, we will no longer need to draw several situations to discover them. Sometimes we attract positive situations or people to help us discover these needs and sometimes we attract negative situations or people to us. Why? When it is negative, it is to incite us to realize that we have a belief that is not beneficial for us.

Let us take the four examples above: the first believed unconsciously that to get attention he needed dramatic situations. The second, that one must work hard in life and take everything to heart before having the right to have fun. The third person, that one should not trust the men and the fourth, that all work brings safety and that one must not leave it.

By accepting the idea that we ALWAYS attract what we need to move towards a more and more harmonious world and ALWAYS finds what we believe (or what we expect), this attitude is The starting point needed to get to see the bright side of things quickly. So, once the shock is over in a so-called unpleasant situation, the behavior to be developed is to say, "Why did I attract this event or that person in my life? What does this bring to me positive and what can I learn from this experience? Even if the answer does not come right away, do not despair, repeat this question a few times and you will see that the answer will come. When she does not come, it's your ego that does not want you to see her. By being persistent and insisting on seeing the right side, your ego will realize that you are really determined to see reality and will yield to your strength.

08 December 2016

Information system : Introduction to MERISE and MCD

Information system : Introduction to MERISE and MCD

 1. The information system:

 The information system or IS can be defined as the set of human, material and immaterial means used to manage information within a unit, such as a company.

Information system to manage informations

However, an information system should not be confused with a computer system. Indeed, information systems are not always fully computerized and already existed before the arrival of new information and communication technologies, of which information technology is an integral part.

The IS has 4 essential functions:
* The capture or collection of information.
* Storing information using a file or database. 

* The processing of information in order to better exploit it (consultation, organization, updating, calculations to obtain new data, ...). 
* Dissemination of information.

Formerly, information was stored on paper using forms, records, ... and there were manual procedures to deal with it. Today, computerized systems, such as relational database management systems (RDBMS), are used by the information system.

MERISE is a French method born in the 70s, initially developed by Hubert Tardieu. It was then promoted in the 1980s at the request of the Ministry of Industry, which wanted an IS design method.

Merise method effective

MERISE is an IS analysis and design method based on the principle of separation of data and processing. It has a number of models (or diagrams) that are spread over 3 levels:

    *  The conceptual level,
    * The logical or organizational level,
    * The physical level.
    In this course, we will be interested only in certain schemas allowing the design of a relational database and then its realization on a RDBMS.

    3. Conceptual Data Mode :

    This is the development of the Conceptual Data Model (MCD in french), which is a graphical and structured representation of the information stored by an IS. The MCD is based on two main notions: entities and associations, hence its second name: the Entity / Association scheme.

    The development of the MCD involves the following steps:
        *  The implementation of management rules (if these are not given to you),
        *  The development of the data dictionary,
        * The search for functional dependencies between these data,
        * The development of the MCD (creation of entities then associations and addition of cardinalities).


    06 December 2016

    3 steps to build and create your own website - Learn how!

    Everyone wants to make and build a professional website with his own, for business, Marketing, Personal or any ideas he wants to share it, But the majority they don't knowing anything about steps and fear of work and coding because it's very hard and only programers can do that, And that certainly wrong!

    How to create your own website

    So today I gonna show you how to create a good website in days depends about your Ideas.

    What are the objectives and what you will learn from that lesson :

    • know how to learn HTML and CSS in few days.
    •  build your webpages ( Like home,about us, contact us ...)' by  coding, or by using a software.
    • What's a statistical and dynamic web site means?
    • Save your money, No need to buy ready websites again!
    • What does it mean a Hosting and Domain name, and how I can get the both

    Steps : How to make an own website!

    wikihard how to make a website
    HTML & CSS

    1. LEARN HTML/CSS : All websites made by HTML and CSS because they are necessary to show the body and the Contents, HTML it's a very easy markup language, You can learn at W3SCHOOL or CODECADEMY, Also you can make webpages without learn HTML by using softwares like : DreamWeaver, FrontPage... using sofwares is easy and very quickly, just try to see some tutorials in Youtube!

    wikihard making a site with php
    PHP - Web programing language

    2. LEARN PHP BASICS : if you want to make just webpages has contents and informations about you or your work with HTML extension you don't need to learn basic of PHP, cuz HTML itself is enough, And your website called " Static " because there is no programming language in it!, Further if you want to make a customise your webpages like adding actions, You need to use a web programing language Like PHP and Pyton. There are a lot of PHP course in W3SCHOOL and CODECADEMY you can see it.

    easy learn with php
    Hosting and domaine name

    3. GET A HOSTING + DOMAINE NAME : when you have finish your website, all you need is to buy a premium hosting and domain name to upload the website files in, and start sharing your webpages in Google. You can buy it from Godaddy.com or Name.com, they are the best!, Also you can get a free hosting with a free domaine name, they are a lot of companies just search in google then register.


    02 December 2016

    Information System - Full definition and objectives

    1- What is an Information System?

    An information system is a collection of items that collect, process, store and disseminate information in order to assist in the decision-making, coordination and control of a business.

    The information system is used by actors (users, administrators, managers) to manipulate (consult, modify, communicate) data using procedures.

    information system - Computer science lessons IS


    2-  The information system

    The information system contains information about the people, products, customers needed in the organization or in its environment.

    Two basic concepts for understanding the information system are data and information.

    - Data are raw values, products, orders, purchases, events that take place in or outside organizations. This is in most cases "simple" information associated with a code. If it does not contain this code, the user is unable to understand the information to be transcribed. For example, code 14 means nothing to a user. While in the information system code 14 can represent the number of the client named "Jean Pierre Dupont".

    - Information covers data that is presented in a form usable and useful to users. Unlike data, information is something that the user understands (and therefore "usable").

    - For example, the address of a customer.

    In the information system, the production of the information necessary for the organization consists of three activities.

    - Input: arrival of the raw data (input of a user, coming from another system). For example, ordering a customer.

    - Data processing: transformation of raw data.

    - Output: the process of disseminating information to users who need it. For example, a user consulted look at the stock status.

    system information plan

    3- The different dimensions of the information system

    We can now examine the dimensions of the information system: 

    - Organization

    - Technology

    - Management

    Personnel, structure, business processes, policy and culture are the key elements of an organization. Sometimes, the IS is the basic building block of a business. In other words, these companies could not exist without the use of the information system. For example, airlines or companies specializing in online sales.

    The operational system will help the players to carry out the basic activities and transactions of the organization (sales, payroll, stock supply, invoicing, etc.). In the airlines, reservations can only be managed with the information system. How do I know how many seats are reserved for a particular flight? What are the names of travelers? Who will be his pilot? In order for each actor to be able to consult the information concerning him, the information system must be able to provide precise elements in a minimum of time. Here, we highlight the place of the information system within companies.